Privacy Terms
generated sitemaps
The generated sitemaps files and data will be stored on our servers, and might be used for our internal statistic reports.
this data will not be transferred to any third party.
google adsense
Image-sitemap.net is a google adsense publisher.
this website makes use of third party or first party cookies in order to adapt the ads that are being presented to you, based on your visits in this site and on previous visits on other sites.
these cookies are stored in your browser and may be associated with the doubleclick.net or country-specific Google domains such as google.com.
google analytics
Google may collect data about your browsing habbits.
this site uses google Remarketing feature, which helps us deliver optimized ads according to your previous visits on this website.
both google adsens and analytics might make use of your IP address in order to generate statistic reports.
opt-out cookie collection
You can control which cookies will be accepted/denied in your browser using this add-on:
completely disable cookie collection
In firefox:
Open options menu, than go to Privacy & Security tab.
under cookies and site data - select "Block cookies and site data".
In chrome:
Open settings menu, click advanced.
under Privacy and Security check the option "Send a "Do Not Track" request with your browsing traffic".
than click Content settings, select Cookies. and uncheck "Allow sites to save and read cookie data".
also check the option "Block third party cookies".